Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Mi familia… that’s the first thing I think of when the Christmas Holidays come to mind followed by a very close second of all the delicious food. Our food traditions become a melting pot over the years as we have added American dished to our Mexican ones, such as tamales.

Tamales are certainly a labor of love as it takes two days to make them, although they are a lot more common today then they use to be, but are still very special for me during Christmas.

I remember my whole family getting together at my grandparents ranch in northern Mexico. I can recall the aromas of my grandmother’s kitchen and if I close my eyes I can picture her at the chimney stirring a pot of beans or frijoles de hoya, as the light cut through the smoke of the firewood. As kids, we would run in and out of her kitchen while she was making tortillas and take one from the basket; she would chase us out with a spoon in hand.

Meanwhile, as all the kids played outside, the men were getting ready to slaughter a pig to make the savory tamales, guisos, and chicharones. My aunts gathered in the kitchen to start cooking the fresh meat right away, adding dried chiles and spices to the pork in large copper pots. All those ingredients would simmer for hours and the pork would be infused with flavors of my childhood, that I can only describe as one of my favorite holiday comfort foods.

It’s those childhood memories that really come alive during the holiday season, so take the time to share your comfort food with your family and friends. Gather everyone in the kitchen and start cooking, it’s the perfect excuse to spend time together and create some delicious recipes that I’m sure will soon become part of your holidays from now on.

We are all grown up now and today we pair great wines with our holiday food, I find that a great Malbec goes well with those savory pork tamales. And let’s not forget holiday cocktails, I have created a Mexican chocolate Martini recipe that you will enjoy all winter long.

Embrace and enjoy coming together to celebrate old traditions and create new ones. For me, our food is a true reflection of our cultures that are being mixed together to create new dishes, new flavors, new friends and certainly new memories.

!Quien quiere tamales! Salud!!

Feliz Navidad y buen provecho con toda la salud y felicidades de esta época.

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